12 Days of Earth Day

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12 Days of Earth Day Poster

April 10-21, 2024


The theme for Earth Day 2024 is:

Planet vs. Plastics


A call to arms to reduce the production of plastics with 60% by 2040.1

“Plastic waste makes up 80% of all marine pollution and around 8 to 10 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year.”2

“Plastic materials are carcinogenic and can affect the body’s endocrine system, causing developmental, neurological, reproductive and immune disorders.”2

Everyone can do something to help solve the plastic pollution problem, and millions of people worldwide are already taking action to reduce their plastic use.

Here are 7 ways you can make a difference, starting today.3

  • Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics
  • Support Legislation to Curb Plastic Production and Waste
  • Recycle Properly
  • Participate In a Beach or River Cleanup
  • Avoid Products Containing Microbeads
  • Spread the Word
  • Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution

In April 2024, our Parks & Community Services Committee members will once again host a 12 Days of Earth Day celebration with a parade and street fair, as well as numerous other activities to honor our earth.  We appreciate you, your family, and friends celebrating this important time of year right along with us!